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Module data
Description Loads data from directories and applies augmentations
Import import
Depends on None

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Core Functions

get_train_data_generator(train_data_dir, batch_size, validation_split=None, use_default_augmentation=True, augmentations=None)


Function to obtain iterators with data to train a model. The size of the images yielded is determined by IMG_WIDTH in mesonet.utils and the numbers of channels is always 3 (RGB).

It creates a ImageDataGenerator with the the given augmentations and uses the .flow_from_directory() method to return a training split and optionally, a validation split.

train_data_dir str: Path to the directory containing training data.
batch_size int: Size of the batches of the data.
validation_split float: Fraction of data to reserve for validation. Should be between 0 and 1. When None or 0.0, there is no reserved data. Defaults to None.
use_default_augmentation bool: If True, all augmentations applied in the MesoNet paper are added, in addition to the ones specified in augmentations. See Note on Augmentations. Defaults to True.
augmentations dict: Additional augmentations supported by ImageDataGenerator. If an augmentation conflicts with the default augmentations and use_default_augmentations is True, the latter takes precedence. Defaults to None.
Returns A tuple (train, val) where:
1. If validation_split is None or 0.0, train is a DirectoryIterator yielding tuples of (x, y) where x is a numpy array containing a batch of images with shape (batch_size, *target_size, channels) and y is a numpy array of corresponding labels, and val is None.
2. If validation_split is between 0 and 1, train is same as above and val is similar to train but yields images in the validation split.

Example Usage

Here, we obtain data from a directory called data/train/. We obtain a training set and a validation set with with a 80-20 split, in batches of 64 images. In addition to the default augmentations, we also apply zca_whitening.

from import get_train_data_generator

train, val = get_train_data_generator('data/train/`, 64, 0.2, augmentations={'zca_whitening': True})

get_test_data_generator(test_data_dir, batch_size, shuffle=False)


Function to obtain an iterator with data to test a model. The size of the images yielded is determined by IMG_WIDTH in utils and the numbers of channels is always 3 (RGB).

This is specifically to obtain data for testing a model. Generally, testing data is not augmented and hence, there is no provision to apply them in the function. Additionally, you can choose to not shuffle the data. This is useful when you want to use the data for generating ROC reports.

test_data_dir str: Path to the directory containing test data.
batch_size int: Size of the batches of the data.
shuffle bool: If True, the shuffle param of .flow_from_directory() is set to True so that the order of generating images is random. Set it to False if you wish to obtain a ROC report.
Returns A DirectoryIterator yielding tuples of (x, y) where x is a numpy array containing a batch of images with shape (batch_size, *target_size, channels) and y is a numpy array of corresponding labels.

Example Usage

Here, we generate an ROC report on data present in the directory data/test on a model saved at model.hdf5.

from import get_test_data_generator
from mesonet.model import get_loaded_model, predict, get_classification_report

model = get_loaded_model('model.hdf5')
data = get_test_data_generator('data/test', batch_size=128)

_, preds = predict(model, data)
roc = get_classification_report(data.classes, preds)

Helper Functions

_get_datagen(use_default_augmentation=True, **kwargs)


Function to obtain a ImageDataGenerator with specified augmentations.

This mainly exists to aide the two functions above. Both of them use this to obtain a ImageDataGenerator instance with the provided augmentations, where applicable. See Note on Augmentations for information on the augmentations.

You’ll probably not need to use this.

use_default_augmentation bool: If True, all augmentations applied in the MesoNet paper are added, in addition to the ones specified in augmentations. See Note on Augmentations. Defaults to True.
**kwargs dict: Additional augmentations supported by ImageDataGenerator. If an augmentation conflicts with the default augmentations and use_default_augmentations is True, the latter takes precedence. Defaults to None.
Returns An ImageDataGenerator object with specified augmentations.

Note on Directory Structure

Both the core functions expect a string parameter denoting the path to the directory where data is stored. The expected directory structure for both of them is as follows:

└── data/
    ├── real/
    │   ├── img1.png
    │   └── img2.png
    └── forged/
        ├── img1.png
        └── img2.png

Note on Augmentations

By default, get_train_data_generator() uses the augmentations applied in the original paper. These augmentations are passed to ImageDataGenerator. They are as follows:

  • rotation_range: 15
  • zoom_range: 0.2
  • brightness_range: (0.8, 1.2)
  • channel_shift_range: 30
  • horizontal_flip: True

It is possible to override these values or add more augmentations of your own. Also, note that a rescaling by 255 is always applied to the images (rescale=1.0 / 255).

Note on

In my experiments, I found that the dataset used has too many images in the validation split. Almost 37% of the total data has been reserved for testing. You can take a look at the distribution here.

Note: In today’s jargon, what the paper refers to as the validation split is called the test split.

In case you come to the same conclusions, the project comes with a script which takes all the images across both the splits and creates a new dataset, where only a small portion (by default, 10%) of the data is reserved for testing.

The original dataset has the following structure:

└── data/
    ├── train/
    │   ├── real/
    │   │   ├── img1.png
    │   │   └── img2.png
    │   └── df/
    │       ├── img1.png
    │       └── img2.png
    └── validation/
        ├── real/
        │   ├── img1.png
        │   └── img2.png
        └── df/
            ├── img1.png
            └── img2.png

Given this structure, using the script is simple. You’ll notice that it defines 5 global variables. You can change the values of these variables to configure the script.

  • DATA_DIR - This should be a str containing the path to the directory where the original dataset is stored. Note that it should be the top-level directory. This means that, in the above structure, this variable should be data/.
  • TARGET_DIR - This should be a str containing the path to the directory where you want the script to create your new dataset. Don’t worry about the directory not existing because the script handles that for you.
  • REAL_DIR - This is the name of the sub-directory in your original dataset where images belonging to the real class are stored. For example, if your real images are in data/train/real, then this should be real. Note that the name of the directory should be the same in both the train and validation split.
  • FAKE_DIR - This is the same as REAL_DIR except it refers to the deepfake class.
  • PROP - This is the proportion of the data that should be in test split of the new dataset.

Once you’ve set these variables, you can run the script as:

$ python
Creating directories at new_data/....
Found 19456 images in deepfake_database/....
Copying 17511 files to new_data/train/....
Copying 1945 files to /new_data/test/....
The training set will have 10376 real images and 7135 fake images....
The test set will have 1132 real images and 813 fake images...
Try again? [Yy/Nn]

The script will ask you whether you want to repeat the process. If yes, it will undo it’s work and again randomly split the dataset. This allows you to repeat the process until you achieve the desired split.

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